You know when you really need entrepreneurial inspo? Like really, really need it or you might implode into an alternate reality comprised of primarily of angst instead of carbon? Yes, well, it happens. And when it does, who better to listen to for motivation and hope against hope than a former bartender, artist, and self-described bohemian who started her business from her apartment, where she slept on the couch and rented out her bedroom through AirBnB to fund her first company, and then with no tech experience bootstrapped her brand into an accelerator program, funding and pivots. Now one of Silicon Beach's top fashion startups, this company dealing in luxury secondhand women's apparel is certainly cool. But the really cool part of the story itself? It's the founder herself. When you hear this conversation, which originally appeared on the Spirit of 608 podcast in episode 5, you'll immediately notice this female entrepreneur's unusual mind, one that's creative, yet pragmatic, far from dry and buttoned up, but able to quickly sharpen focus to reach a goal.

Meet this week's guest, Tracy DiNunzio, CEO of Tradesy.

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