Four ways that you can either begin to build or increase the thought leadership position that you already have established plus two excuses that you have got to stop letting get in your way.

What are you thankful for? This week's episode features a guest I'm so thankful to have met and had the opportunity to work with this fall through the State Department's Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative. As host entrepreneur taking part in the program this year, I was lucky enough to be paired with the very first female founder of a sustainable fashion startup in Peru. On this week's show, we dive into her story, how she got to where she is today and key information any ethical brand should have before sourcing textiles and materials from her home country.

This week's solo episode is the latest in our media strategy series created to help you amplify your brand and grow your visibility. 

Sign up for the PressDope weekly email to get DIY PR tips and The Dope List of media opps, calls for pitches, FEST events and more ways to raise your visibility.

What you'll learn

Thought leadership can grow your community, strengthen your networks and get you more earned (i.e. not paid for) media coverage. But edging into that territory can easily seem like a mystifying process. And if you're there now -- growing your already established base can feel daunting. This week's episode dives into four ways to do both so more people know about your brand. 

How you'll be inspired

Worried that you're not cut out for thought leadership because, well, to be 100 percent honest, loudly proclaiming what you think in front of tons of people is so not you? Well guess what? You can't use that as an excuse anymore. Here's why: taking a bold stand doesn't have to mean shouting from the mountaintops or being the loudest person in the room. You can lead and inspire others in your own way, regardless of the volume of your voice. 

What you'll tell your friends

I was listening to the Spirit of 608 podcast this week, and there were these two excuses holding me back from earning more media coverage, and it's so annoying and I don't want to deal with changing my habits, but I really know I have to stop doing them. Ugh. But it's time. Here I go.

Resource of the week

PressDope: DIY PR and media outreach can be a challenge - even when you have an agency behind you that charges thousands of dollars a month. You'll find an alternative option at PressDope, where we live to elevate ethical brands.

Mentioned in this episode: Globe In   Entrepreneur   Inc   Forbes   Fortune   Medium   Ecocult   Upwork   Find more episodes featuring women at the forefront of FEST online at