It's a new Knowledge Drop episode that came at the right time for me - and I hope it will be arriving at the right time for you, too. After all, we've got these summer months to reconfigure what we're doing before the fall rush to the end of the year kicks in. Not only is this week's guest one of my favorite entrepreneurial ladies in Charlottesville, she's a down-to-earth straight shooter who knows way more about Facebook advertising and social media management than I ever could. Luckily for us, she was willing to come on the show, let us in on her world and offer up some advice we can use to make our social media futures a little brighter. And you never know, she might just be the one to convince me to actually like Facebook again.

Meet this week's guest, Natasha Kalergis, Founder of Bantam Social Media.

This episode brought to you with the generous support of badass FEST biz Lyst, where you can search from over 12,000 brands and stores to find what’s perfectly right for you.   What you'll learn

Feel like taking that break from Facebook? While a bit of time offline is helpful, if you're an entrepreneur, you might want to think twice about leaving that Facebook page gathering dust. Social media expert Natasha Kalergis advises that it's best to "keep your lights on," especially since Facebook still remains to be the best place to market yourself as a startup business. Oh, and those rumors about the algorithms being different? Natasha tells us there's really nothing to worry about as they've been that way for years. Find out more about the power of Facebook in this episode.

How you'll be inspired

Natasha's straightforward, realistic perspective on social media marketing will leave you thinking - no, knowing - you can make basic changes in your approach to get more reach in the future.

What you'll tell your friends

Hey, I listened to this rad Spirit of 608 podcast episode with this social media expert from Charlottesville, and I think it's time I took another look at how Facebook can help my business with future marketing - even though my page likes and followers aren't as high as I'd like them to be.

Resource of the week

BuzzSumo: Trust a social media expert to know what apps are good for you. Natasha highly recommends this content engine for everyone, as it pulls all related content, articles, ideas, and even journalists in your industry for you. Basically, it arms your arsenal for your content marketing strategy!

Connect with Natasha Kalergis



Twitter: @socialbantam

Mentioned in this episode:

American Marketing Association



Real Canine







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T-shirt motto: Consistency, not intensity.


This episode brought to you with the generous support of badass FEST biz Lyst, where you can search from over 12,000 brands and stores to find what’s perfectly right for you.


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