Kicking off the fall season of the Spirit of 608 podcast, this week's episode features a badass female entrepreneur who built what has become the go-to Gen Y resource for aspiring fashion industry pros. Starting when she was barely out of college herself, this media innovator has spent the better part of the last decade growing an audience and network of contributors that now reaches over 1,000 universities and includes 20,000 contributors worldwide. Acquired by Who What Wear parent company Clique Media in 2016, College Fashionista exemplifies modern-day, mission-based entrepreneurship and bootstrapped success. If you're building your own business from the ground up, this is one woman in business who's sure to inspire you and show you that, yes, you can make it happen.

Meet this week's guest, Amy Levin Klein, Founder of College Fashionista.

What you'll learn

When you’re fresh out of college and starting out with dreams of a career in the fashion industry, it can be challenging and daunting to figure out what to do - especially if you're coming from a school or town outside the traditional fashion cities like New York or Los Angeles. Amy felt exactly that - but she didn't let it deter her. Instead, she started College Fashionista and single-handedly built a brand that helps the next generation of fashion leaders. Learn how she did it in this week’s episode.

How you'll be inspired

While today’s work culture tends to applaud employees and even entrepreneurs who jump around from one company to the next, Amy has a lot to say about the advantages of being professionally monogamous. While startup culture has left many of us feeling like a couple years is a long time to be in one place, Amy counters with a reality so many of us growing businesses know all too well: that building something takes time to see real growth. Hear more that will inspire you to stick with it the next time you're frustrated at your seemingly slow pace on the show. 

What you'll tell your friends

Hey! Do you know the best way to connect with college students so they'll know more about your brand? What are students today even interested in anyway? What motivates them and when is the best time to catch their attention? I heard College Fashionista founder Amy Levin Klein talk about just that on the Spirit of 608 podcast this week - listen to the show to hear her talk about that, as well as an Instagram tip you're going to want to start using immediately. 

Resource of the week

Slack and Google Calendar: Amy is a fan of both of these trusty favorite tools to effectively communicate with her team and organize her her busy schedule. 

Connect with Amy Levin Klein



Instagram: @cfashionista

Twitter: @CFashionista

Mentioned in this episode:




Clique Media


My Domain

Google Calendar


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