There's no doubt about it: global business is changing rapidly. Along with it, the game of getting -- and staying -- visible is nothing like it used to be. You probably know you need to have a plan for reaching new people and spreading your message that goes beyond outdated PR tactics and blasting your press release to lists of journalists. But what next? This week's episode is all about one strategy that is working wonders for Spirit of 608 clients: networked communities.

Sure, you might be thinking, I'm in a few Facebook groups. But here's the reality: it's time to go beyond Facebook groups. They're great for what they are -- we have one at the Spirit of 608 that I encourage you to join to connect with other FEST founders and with me -- but all too often, Facebook groups are just a drive-by, not a destination.

Right now Spirit of 608 clients are going beyond Facebook groups and networking in other types of communities to find high-quality, worthwhile opportunities to appear in the media, speak, contribute articles and get featured in front of their ideal audiences.

What kinds of communities are you talking about? Think open Slack groups, communities run on Mighty Networks,

Listen to the episode to learn more about how monitoring and getting involved in these networked communities -- also known as niche communities -- can help you to find more press and media opportunities, get media placement, reach new audiences and grow your mission-driven brand.

Also hear the latest News from the FESTfront segment featuring news and updates from founders and brands on a mission just like you. We're so glad they've chosen the Spirit of 608 podcast as a way to get their message out into the world.