In my neck of the woods, the switch suddenly flipped to spring mode and, with that, I’ve been thinking A LOT about growth, abundance and all the things that help cultivate those in life, as well as the things that, yup, get in the way. As you know if you’ve listened to the Spirit of 608 podcast for any length of time, you know that I am possibly the world’s unlikeliest mindset junkie. And if you didn’t know that about me, I hoping that tidbit helps put a big fat underline underneath my promise to you that the five things I’m sharing are capable of making a significant impact in how you can access joy, reduce anxiety and increase the opportunities that come to you with every little effort.

Listen to this solo episode is the shortlist of things I want you to have as you move into the coming weeks and months and keep getting at the year with momentum and inspired action — and if you already have them, which is likely for many of you, let this be one of those reinforcing reminders to bring your mind back into alignment with where you’re truly headed.


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