Benedict Laurel

Ally & Leah cover episode 4 of The Challenge season 34, War of the Worlds 2.

We honestly thought this would be an easy-going episode while everyone scattered around trying to gather their thoughts from Wes leaving.

OH BOY were we wrong!

Leah really wanted to talk about Wes' shirt he wore while scheming to get rid of Josh.

Kyle goes in for the easy kill and mind twist Laurel. 

Ally calls it like she sees and thinks Laurel can be easily manipulated.

The sisters speculate if there was a real alliance before Wes left, or if Laurel and Banana's made this up to gain power.

Leah slowly creeps over to team Paulie. 

We learn a new British word "slag" and our resident expert, Leah, calls him out for using it wrong...this is awkward.

We take a moment to digress and talk about our super hardcore crushes on Rogan and Joss. Yes, ladies, we discuss the "INSTA PIC" and why that emoji was down there!
Ally may subscribe to onlyfans the verdict is till out!

This week's competition is Relic Runner and this is when Team US starts to unravel from the BEGINING!

Ally and Leah strategize on how they would have sabotaged Team UK and why Esther can't get it up!

Leroy spills the beans on Banana's plans and we debate on Ashley's break down.

Ally has picked her next victim to pour hatred on and WE. ARE. HERE. FOR. IT!!

TEAM US explodes and Ashley throws shade at Bananas! If you were curious about this don't fret! Our girl Leah put on her scuba gear and did a DEEP DIVE on all things Johhny Banana's starting at the **20-minute mark until the 27:40 minute mark**

TEAM UK wins, and it all goes to hell in a handbasket and we break it down every step of the way! 
Alliances, voting, and that ending OH MY!


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