Ally and Leah recap MTV's The Challenge: Double Agents episode 11, and break down all of this week's news from the Challenge world.

Starting out with some breaking news Lolo Jones spills the tea on why she "left" the challenge house. 

We debate the real reason and how far is too far when pressing current hot buttons like mental health. 

If Josh is labeled Goofy does that make CT Donald Duck? 

We have a few questions on how Josh REALLY pulls in women. 

In a fun daily challenge: Airlift we finally see Devin get instant karma, Anessa provides a good laugh, and BIG T shocks us all 

Another dramatic security breach happens in the crater before we can see who will face off against each other for a gold skull. 

Listen to hear all of this and more like what we think about the All-Star announcement.


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