We are finally back with season 36 of MTV's The Challenge! Double Agents started off strong with TJ looking like the next James Bond.  We had to have a quick chat about who could possibly be a better host than TJ and Leah toes the line with her answer.

Dare I say this may have been the best first challenge. Watching Tori snatch the battery from Lolo and Wes getting smacked in the face with a shoe gave us life!

The twists this season are perfection and we are loving that some of the OG's are back! Old CT has entered the challenge house and he is no longer playing Switzerland.  Ally is here for it but it left Leah feeling a little salty.

Eliminations in the crater are sure to get heated this season. Aneesa wasted no time at all taking a big shot of throwing Wes & Natalie in.

Wes seems to have a case of the old tweet and deletes that we discuss.

Join us next week for an all-new recap!

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