MTV’s The Challenge Double Agents
Episode 14
The Best of Enemies
We open with Challenge News Chat and discuss all of the new Challenge Babies on the way.
The All Stars season will be airing April 1st on Paramount +.
On this week’s recap we show appreciation for Kyle’s honesty.
Leah feels bad Aneesa until Ally points out the evolution of her game play and what tactics she’s using this season.
Corey begs to be the house, but Leroy and Darrell are skeptical.
In a weekly Challenge where everyone’s education is in question over Tectonic Plates. Leroy decides to make a brave game move and holds his breath that it will pay off.
With only 3 teams completing the daily Leroy and Kaycee may have played the wrong hand.
Nany and CT are living with regret on their “upgrades”
It’s Darrell vs Cory at the Crater and Ally would have lost money on the outcome.
Is the Cory curse broken or has it now been passed on to Kam?
Join us next week to see Fessy and CT puff out their chest at each other.
Are you on Clubhouse? Come hang out tonight Friday March 19th at 9:30 cst as we talk about the Challenge with Efrain from You Killed It!

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