MTV's The Challenge Double Agents: A Muddy Matter

This week's recap of MTV's Challenge: Muddy Matter was one of Ally's absolute favorites so far this season.

Join us, Ally & Leah, as we talk about the hottest, funniest, and most cringe-worthy moments from the most recent Challenge Double Agents. 

Did Aneesa really "choke" Lolo? Are we in a new phase of the Challenge where you decided if you "feel" like going into the Crater?

Kam is a political mastermind and we love to see her in power! More, please!

Every season we patiently wait to see who will trust Kyle with secret information and in the episode, we get two rookies who think trusting Kyle is in their best interest. 

Josh and Mechie face off in the Crater and someone will get their very first elimination win.


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