Welcome back to another Life After Lockup recap!

We have a special announcement before we start the episode 💕 and at this point, you are all apart of the family as we share the family gossip.

It seems everyone in the episode is in a downward spiral.

Sarah and Michael cause us to absolutely lose it! We can’t even take it anymore.

Lindsey and Scott are a little boring this week but the dog comes through with the judgment looks.

Quaylon makes a rookie mistake with his sister! He did not secure the pinkie swear before telling his sister the tea! Ally gives her sister 101 advice and how to pull out the pettiness when needed.

Shavel is defacing picnic tables and driving to Branson with our favorite cousin DMark.

Andrea woke up and chose violence! Lamar is immune to her tongue lashings so maybe locking him out will work. Ever the Drama Queen!

Brittany and Marcelino take their dog to check on Cindy in the sketchy motel! Need we say more?

Amber reveals why she’s not sharing blankets with Puppy and we wonder at what point Kathy’s house turns into a halfway house.

In extended we chat about 90 Day Fiancé and Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.


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