On this week's episode of Spill it, Sister, Ally & Leah break down episode 4 of 90 Day Fiance: You Don't Forget Your Past. The sisters start off with their overall thoughts on the season and couples so far, and one couple they hope will not be on the show, we have enough Michaels as it is.

We kick of the show with Sarah meeting Juliana for the first time, and she is DEFINITELY not jealous of such a tall, exotic, gorgeous, sexy, talented, intelligent, well-traveled woman. The sisters discuss what "parenting" actually means for Juliana and how Sarah was totally making her self at home in Juliana's presence.

Robert and Anny are headed to the park to meet none other than "porno star" Stephanie aka Grandma to Bryson. Anny is not here for it and just when we think that is the craziest thing that will happen this episode, Anny decides to call Robert out on his social media pictures. Is it okay to have pictures of an ex on social media, maybe not when you have 4 different baby mamas.

Mike is headed to Ukraine with all the extra spending money he has laying around and we get to meet the ray of sunshine that is Natalie. The sisters agree that her friends are really awesome when it comes to trying on clothes, and not so awesome when it comes to discussing real life issues.

Mursel finally gets to meet Anna's bees which ends up being just a roast fest for Anna, the sub par beekeeper according to Mursel. Mursel also gets to meet Anna's friends at a wedding shower, which seems very premature considering their whole relationship is "Mursel?" "Yes." "Mursel." "Okay!"

Tania manages to anger not just Syngin but everyone watching 90 Day with her behavior towards her boo this episode. Ally has the perfect solution for how Tania could have played this with Sygin that would have not made everyone so angry.

Last but not least, the sisters discuss the new couple, Blake and Jasmin. Oh yeah, and Jasmin's sister, Janette. How crazy and definitely not planned is it that Janette lives 10 minutes away from Blake?!?

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