This week on Spill it, Sister, Ally, and Leah are covering Season 7, Episode 10 of 90 Day Fiancé: Choose Me.

Michael picks up Angela from the airport in Lagos and Ally is having PTSD from the last time Michael tried to give Angela a cake. It’s always on Michael and Angela's time when Michael gives her a thoughtful homemade gift. What does Angela give him in return? Some nasty underwear, naturally.

Mike and Natalie put the viewers through the most awkward interview we may have ever seen on this show, which ends in thrown rings and unicorns. The sisters wonder what on earth Natalie is asking Mike for an apology for and speculate on how this relationship will end.

Our third Michael is nowhere to be seen in this episode because this time it’s all about Sarah and Juliana bonding time. The sisters may get weird vibes from these two on social media but overall are here for this bonding and women supporting women. 

Get ready for the snooze fest that is the Anna and Mursel segment. Leah is confused as to why we are supposed to be sad about a couple breaking up that has only said 5 different words to each other the whole season?

Rita is really getting on the sisters’ nerves this episode and if you are not a Jasmin fan, you are not going to like this section of the podcast, because Ally and Leah are here to defend her, sorry not sorry! 

Last but not least, Tania is back from her drunken wilderness retreat and less than 24 hours in which they are already fighting. The sisters spill some social media tea where Tania’s sister has been providing some insight into their relationship. 

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