Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your homebrew world won’t be constructed overnight either. Todd and Jim present a different path to worldbuilding that will take less time and keep your players more engaged. Our adventure hook this week: The harsh and cold mountainside has a spot where no snow has fallen, in fact, it looks like summer. How did that get there? Go to to discover more.


Plus, our exciting new ttrpg adventure available on kickstarter for D&D.

Mystery at Skull Keep


Books Mentioned:

The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency

Rat Queens - Volume 1: Sass & Sorcery

Sites Mentioned

The Bay of Spirits -

Randy M's adventures - Roan Studio on


Adventure hook music credit to Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni; Album: Lost Dynasty.

Opening music credit to I am Living a Heavenly Life by Mantra Sphinx of Inspired Action Records.