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Fat Free SHR 006 – Fantasicar Voyage Spidey pays a visit to the Fantastic Four as Johnny Storm teaches him how to fly a Fantasticar. Fat Free Spider Ham Radio is produced by the Brothers Kent for the A Part… Continue Reading →

Fat Free SHR 006 – Fantasicar Voyage

Spidey pays a visit to the Fantastic Four as Johnny Storm teaches him how to fly a Fantasticar.

The Fantastic Four, all former astronauts, unveil their needlessly complex Fantasticar.

Fat Free Spider Ham Radio is produced by the Brothers Kent for the A Part of Him podcast network. This episode, Fantasticar Voyage, was written by Steve Kent. Steve played the parts of Spider-Man and Ben Grimm. Will Kent played Johnny Storm. The podcast was edited by Steve Kent. Our theme was composed by Tom Sherlock. Trent Hunsaker is our sound engineer.

Special thanks to Juanitos for the use of their song, “El Cha Cha Man.” Find it here: