Time for another terrifying three-way! Paul Mellor joins Dennis & I as we take a leisurely tour around #CastleRock home to #StephenKing Adaptations including his novels, novellas and other writing. Listen to this Loser's Club sit round the camp fire and try to decide which are our Top 5! Join us as discuss Werewolves with baseball bats, extreme weight loss and then listen to my incredible #MorganFreeman impression! #PrepareForPrattle

#Christine #DeloresClaiborne #Thinner #DoctorSleep #TheNightFlier #SalemsLot #PetSematary1989 #TheMist #SilverBullet #Carrie2013 #MaximumOverdrive #TheDeadZone #1408 #TheShining

Find Paul @ his Twitter handle https://twitter.com/themellorgeek?lang=en

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