WARNING! THIS PODCAST CONTAINS THE DISCUSSION OF ANIMAL CRUELTY & SEXUAL VIOLENCE. We start 2023 with a film that is said to be one of the most controversial ever made #RuggeroDeodato’s #CannibalHolocaust! Dennis returns to share his fascination with this originator of the #FoundFootage genre & how it became one of the first #VideoNasties here in the UK. I've brought back an old format #BackstagePast to dig deeper into this nightmarish production. Join us as we discuss murder charges, #DebbieDoesDallas & Dennis gets himself in trouble yet again… #RIPRuggeroDeodato #PrepareForPrattle 

If you want more #ItalianHorror goodness from myself & Dennis listen to our #Demons 1 & 2 #CloneBores comparison https://pod.fo/e/d89cc 

Check out Dennis’s appearance on Damien’s #OmenToThat podcast here https://pod.fo/e/15a752 as they discuss #TheDeathOfSuperman 

Also watch John Hammond’s new Youtube Channel #HorrorMantik too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS9q_y9SZI0 

Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…

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Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/spiderdan_2006/

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