As families try to balance work and childcare, a popular answer is to have government mandate paid family leave. Will mandating paid leave help families or could a law hurt the very workers it is meant to help? Veronique de Rugy, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute; Rachel Greszler, research fellow at the Heritage Foundation; and Camille Busette, director and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution will discuss in this episode: should the United States mandate paid family leave?

Learn More:

"COVID-19 Is Not a Good Reason to Enact a Permanent Federal Paid-Leave Entitlement," By Veronique de Rugy and Donald J. Boudreaux"How to Claim a Paid-Leave Victory That Isn’t," By Veronique de Rugy"Parental Leave: Is There a Case for Government Action?" By Vanessa Brown Calder"Poll: 74% of Americans Support Federal Paid Leave Program When Costs Not Mentioned — 60% Oppose if They Got Smaller Pay Raises in the Future," By Emily Ekins

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