Next Episode: Daniel Brodie

With U.S. President Donald Trump writing executive orders outlining his intent to build a wall along the Mexican border and banning all travelers from a number of muslim countries in recent weeks, there seems no better time to talk about migrant detention. It’s under that backdrop that Tings Chak, the writer and artist behind a new graphic novel called Undocumented: The Architecture of Migrant Detention, comes to Speech Bubble.

Published by our friends at Ad Astra Comix, Undocumented analyzes how architecture and design are used to reinforce the agenda of the state. Tings explains how she got involved with migrant detention, her own experience with racism as an immigrant herself and why a comic was the best medium to bring attention to this issue. In so doing, she deconstructs the myths of Canadian multiculturalism and puts in fine relief that inhumane policies in regards to immigration are just as prevalent in this country as they are in the U.S., even with Justin Trudeau at the helm.

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