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Danny Zabbal was living a largely directionless life until getting the sh— beat out of him, while defending the honour of the girl he was dating inadvertently awakened his true potential. There’s nothing quite like getting punched in the face to make you reevaluate your priorities, so he broke up with the girl, moved to Toronto and met his wife who would eventually become the inspiration for the main character for his comic series Life, Death and Sorcery. Published by and edited by past Speech Bubble guest Allison O’Toole, the critically-acclaimed series follows a teenager who becomes the steward of a magic power at the centre of a conflict between two families of sorcerers that spans across time, space and alternate realities. This episode is sponsored by Hairy Tarantula.

Danny Zabbal

Chapterhouse Comics

Danny Zabbal’s Instagram

Life, Death and Sorcery on Comixology

Episode Sponsor: Hairy Tarantula