Brandon leads Valerie and Mike in a one-shot of Fight With Spirit, where the Newcastle Neons take on the Dockside Demons in a team e-sport ala capture the flag plus mechs. The group decides on details for the Neons and creates the main characters and their rivals.

Starring Valerie Valdes, Michael R. Underwood, and Brandon O'Brien facilitating.nderwood, "

Check out our Court of Blades series “Valloward” at (now an Official Selection for the 2023 New Jersey and Minnesota Web Fests!) and watch any of our completed series or one-shots at can help us make the show the best it can be by becoming a subscriber to our Patreon at – You’ll also get even more content (including Fractal Spire extras, bonus episodes, access to behind-the-scenes material like GM streams and session zero recordings, and more!)This episode was edited by the amazing Rudy Basso (find him at As always, thanks for listening!

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