Donald Wiggins is an attorney and an advocate for prison reform, expanding voting rights, and restorative justice.

He is working to get prisoners the right to vote, not only in his home state of Ohio but across the nation.

If prisoners can vote, they will have a voice in bettering the conditions of the correctional institutions in which they are incarcerated, according to Wiggins.

He claims that most prisons are old and generally need major upgrades to correct what he calls deplorable conditions. He gives an example of an Ohio prison that has had brown and smelly water for prisoners to use because the system supplying water is antiquated.

Wiggins also presses for changes in the criminal justice system which would restore inmates to some dignity and help them upon their release to prevent recidivism.

Wiggins is currently in private law practice but continues his history of advocacy. Over his career, he has been associated with several political action groups.