“Philanthropologist” is a word created by two filmmakers Craig Martin and Earl Bridges. It is a combination of “philanthropist” and “anthropologist.” It also describes what these two filmmakers do. They share stories from around the globe of those sacrificing to serve others.

Martin and Bridges are philanthropologists with cameras and microphones. They travel the world documenting stories of humans making a difference…solving problems and seeking solutions for the betterment of humankind.

Their storytelling will soon come your way in a new PBS docuseries called “Good All Over” scheduled to air in June 2018. The first four shows are currently in the post-production stage. They also soon will be launching a new podcast called “Philanthropologist” to tell stories through audio.

Both Bridges and Martin started out together as children of missionaries in Thailand. They even played basketball together on a team there.

However, their paths split with Bridges getting an undergraduate degree in accounting and master’s degrees in International Business Studies , International Business and International Finance. He also calls himself a “technology entrepreneur and filmmaker.”

Martin has a Master’s of Arts in Communication and has traveled to more than 80 countries over two decades to make films about the human condition.

Despite their differences, the two childhood friends reunited to launch http://www.goodallover.tv/ and to document “the gritty, breathtaking work of people making a life and a difference on the edges of civilization.” Watch the trailer at the bottom of their webpage.

They started a Kickstarter fund to support their films and their travel. They have raised over $37,000 from over 140 different backers.

Now they are preparing their first season of programs and are planning more for the future. Listen as we discuss their histories, motivations, and observations in this entertaining and enlightening podcast.