While many of us have been mired in malaise about our careers during the COVID-19 pandemic, executive coach, career consultant and author Beverly Jones tells us how we can “Find our Happy at Work” in a new book that helps us get unstuck, move past boredom, and discover fulfillment.

Jones, in short pithy chapters, lays out 50 ways to turn your tedium into active steps to take control of your emotions and actions and to make work much more enjoyable and less dreary.

She says if you hate your job and want a change, that the starting point is with you and motivating yourself to transcend past bad habits and create good new ones.

She is a strong proponent of self-care and mindfulness to help alter one’s attitudes in positive ways.

In her book, Jones suggests concrete ways to improve your work habits to give you more joy and job satisfaction

She also prompts people to not stay isolated and gives tips on how one can continue networking even during periods of physical seclusion.

This is Jones’ second book. Her first was “Think Like and Entrepreneur and Act Like a CEO.”

Jones also is the host and producer of a highly popular podcast “Jazzed About Work.” It is available through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts or at NPR One. It also is available through the NPR Podcast Directory: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/524588388/jazzed-about-work