Full show notes can be found at momsofheart.com/010

In this episode, I chat with Jenna Pratt about the children's books she wrote and self-published to help 2-5-year-old siblings understand what's happening when baby brother or sister is born with a congenital heart defect.

First, we chatted about her son, Liam. His journey with HLHS was right alongside my son's journey. They had the surgeries around the same time and we chat about how it was to watch each other go through a similar journey as our own.

She shares about how her family juggled both of them being employed full time through multiple hospitalizations. Then how they helped their older child understand what was happening to her baby brother.

She struggled to find the resources she really wanted to be able to explain on a toddler level of comprehension what was happening.

So she wrote Doctors Help Baby and Baby has a Booboo which can be purchased on Amazon.*

She talks about the process of finding an illustrator, collaborating with a child's psychologist and the journey of self-publishing. 

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