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If you’re like many of us, you like being seen as an expert.

After all, expertise is celebrated because it generally takes some combination of degrees, credentials, and experience to be seen - and to see yourself - as an expert.

You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve mastered a subject, and you can help others in your area of expertise. You speak to audiences and you share your expert tips and insights in your presentations.

All of that is changing - and changing fast.

If you’ve used ChatGPT, you’ve probably marveled at how quickly and seamlessly (and pleasantly) it comes back with a well-written response to your query.

Sure, it’s not perfect, but remember it’s still in its infancy (and GPT-4 is significantly better than what most people have been using with GPT-3.5).

A.I. (artificial intelligence) tools like ChatGPT have more expertise than we as humans can possibly acquire, remember, or synthesize.

A.I. is now the expert. It has the answers at its fingertips (bits?) and can put them together faster than we can think of them.

Where does that leave us?

We used to think that our intelligence, cognitive abilities, even art and creativity were what made us human. That’s no longer the case. 

It’s incredibly important now more than ever to escape the expert trap that will keep you undifferentiated and interchangeable with other experts and with the A.I. and instead step into thought leadership.

This is how you’ll stay relevant in the age of A.I. were rapidly entering.

In this new free live online training I’m hosting on May 2nd, you’ll learn:

What the expert trap is, why we stay in it, and how it holds us back

What being a thought leader truly means

3 key strategies you can use now to step into thought leadership and set yourself apart

Examples to inspire you

How we work with our clients in our Thought Leader Academy


When = Tuesday, May 2 from 1-2 pm Eastern / 10-11 am Pacific

Where = Crowdcast


Register for free at


There will be a recording if you can’t attend live.

But if you are there live, you’ll get our special bonus action guide on supercharging your speaking.