Creating your signature talk can lead to clarity and better results not only for your presentations but for your business model, product offers, marketing messaging, and speaking strategy.

In this on-air coaching call, I talk with my client C S Wurzberger about how our work together to create her signature talk (using my storyboard method) helped her narrow her niche, design her business model, and align her product offerings with what she is most passionate about: empowering kids who love animals to create real-world projects that make a difference and teach them valuable skills.

About My Guest: C S Wurzberger, The Green Up Girl is a Podcaster, Green Movement Marketing Advisor, Sustainability Consultant with 25 years of experience and extensive training in helping animal/nature organizations showcase their green initiatives and conservation efforts for the world to see, experience, and unite.

C S focuses on today’s strategies and tools to help youth map out a smart, actionable plan for saving species and improving our world. Her specialty is to help youth take charge of the “overwhelm” and manage effective campaigns. Plus, she provides organizations with engaging sessions that keep attendees coming back for more.



How your signature talk and business model are connected Narrowing your niche and product offer Using your signature talk outline for email sequences and sales conversations Creating your dream list of where you want to speak Strategies for connecting with event and conference organizers



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