It's not secret that I am not a fan of the Ocean Clean Project that is spearheaded by Boyant Slat. I don't think the device that he is building will clean up the Oceans from plastic pollution or even the Pacific Garbage Patch; however, a colleague and friend John Davis has a different perspective on the project giving me more hope about the evolution of the project. 

John is well versed in how the marine debris experts think about various project around the world dealing with marine debris (and plastic pollution). He knows these things because his organization, Open Communications for the Ocean (OCTO), operates the leading online community of marine debris professionals called the Marine Debris Listserv.

In the episode, John talks about how and why OCTO started the listserv and what it has meant to him and the field of marine debris.

Take a listen and find out some exciting updates for the Ocean Clean Project and gives me hope in Boyant's vision.

What do you think about the Ocean Clean Up Project? Let us know in our Facebook Group.

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Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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