Today I’m joined by Mark Smith, a “curator of the bigger vision within” and a podcast host from, “The Process Podcast.” Mark is a self-described “work in progress who believes success is limitless,” with the desire to share his life journey in a way that resonates with everyone--personally and professionally. 

Change is okay, Mark believes. This concept has always resonated with him, but became his passion in 2018, when he started writing a series he called, “Process”. After losing his father to cancer, going through a divorce, and a career change, Mark had to ask himself how to embrace change rather than wallow in what was. 

Mark’s grandfather once said, “All storms don’t come to hurt you, some storms come to clear your path.” Mark believes that change comes to push down a cleared path, one where we can move to the next level in life. Without change, we would never reach what we’re truly meant for. 

“It can be hard at first, messy in the middle, but rewarding in the end.” This is how Mark has chosen to approach change. When it comes to adapting to change, he’s collected a few key tools. First, he has to look at the bigger picture--or attempt to, at least--and embrace that what happened, happened. From there, he asked, what is this teaching me? What messages were there all along? 

After his father died, Mark went through all stages of change--difficulty, messiness, and eventual reward. He lost jobs, ended up divorced, and spent years asking his father why he had done this to his son. Eventually, he was able to look back and embrace the lessons that his father’s passing taught him: enjoy and embrace life, live without regrets, and let your loved ones know you love them. 

Mark created “The Process” podcast when he was told his job position at the time was going to be eliminated. He had to decide what he wanted his core message to be, and found three components: he had to believe that this story had the potential to change someone’s life, that his story was worthy of sharing, and that someone out there would resonate with it. 

Since he first started writing, he has completed six messages and hopes to publish a book with number ten, reaching more than 100,000 people. He loves that he’s able to offer people a blueprint when they might need it. If everyone he interacts with ends up bitter or better because of him, Mark chooses to make that person ‘better.’ 

Listen in to hear more about Mark’s ongoing projects, what empowers him on a daily basis, and his five-year plan for the future. 

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