This week in our live edition of the podcast, we give our predictions for announcements at the upcoming Game Awards, and we look back at 25 years of PlayStation moments, and delve into some of our very favourites, from games we played, personal moments, experiences and announcements.

If you have any topics you want to hear us cover in future episodes, leave them in the comments below or hit us up on Twitter.

Check us out on Twitter at: @spawnrespawn

Find our podcasts at or just search Apple Podcasts or Spotify for Spawn/Respawn!

Big thanks to RifleLP for supporting us on Podbean, you can catch his amazing streams at and on Twitter @RifleLetsPlay

Kat is on Twitter: @kapkatty

Kat streams at:

Dylan is on Twitter: @citizensmith14

Elliot makes YouTube content as Direckt Gaming:

You can find him on Twitter as well: @direcktgaming

See you next week for more Spawn/Respawn!

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