As promised…. after Microcosmos, comes Macrocosmos. Today we enter space, the Universe itself. In which anything is possible. We have the best ambient artists prepared for you as the soundtrack ; 13 tracks, 16 artists.

Most of the time: music. Not much talk. THE best medicine at this moment, it helps us to stay sane in the head. Worried? Hang in there, join us, breathe, listen and enjoy! Visualize your dreams, create your future. It’s right here… don’t wait for miracles to happen: YOU are the miracle!

Music performed by: Music Within, Sølys, Nihoni, Hotel Neon, Robert Rich, Markus Reuter, Kiphi, Erik Seifert, Josef Steinbüchel, Max Schiefele, Alio Die, Lorenzo Montana, Ian Boddy, Erik Wøllo, Chris Russell, Hollan Holmes.

// ambient zone //