Spacemusic is always looking for good music, talented artists, electronic musicians, ambient lovers, atmospheric enrichments...The Circular Ruins / Lammergeyer projects is just what you need to hear! Cinematic and Atmospheric Ambient Music, all Databloem releases. "continuously exploring and after a mood, a wonderful movie about yourself!" (TC)

MUSIC CUE SHEET for show #33
00:00 Welcome to Episode #33 - Motion of the Stars part IV
03:47 'Sway" by Sketch
14:47 Interview with APK (I)
17:35 'Holiday in Reality' by TCR
22:30 Interview with APK (II)
25:25 'Where the Sea ends' by Lammergeyer
30:05 Interview with APK (III)
31:25 'Degrees of Separation' by TCR
38:42 Interview with APK (IV)
40:46 'Harmonic' by Lammergeyer
45:10 Interview with APK (V)
48:26 'The Dead' by TCR
53:12 Web&Mail - Thanks APK!
54:36 'The Circle of Life' by TCR

All information and details about THE CIRCULAR RUINS / LAMMERGEYER