Thanks for coming back from shore leave, cadets, but this may be our last one for a while: you turn your back for *one second* and every tech company out there gets into legal hot water! Facebook, already trying to fight off a record-setting, multi-billion dollar fine from the FTC, has been caught bribing developers to give it *incredibly* sensitive data from the apps you use without telling you. An iOS app was discovered peddling hard drugs, Google "forgot" to tell you that your Nest device has a mic on it, Huawei caught stealing from Apple, Amazon runs away from New York, one of Apple's lawyers was crooked and ... oh yeah! ... Samsung had a scandal-free launch of a ton of new gear!

Of course, Apple is planning its own event that may feature both a video service and hardware and who knows what else, Ming-Chi Kuo reads the tea leaves for the rest of 2019, Apple fights back in China and gets some good news about HomePod, and Mike and Charles speculate on what might be coming both in March and by the time WWDC rolls around in June.

All this plus Intel possibly spoiling the ARM-based Mac 2020 surprise, Adobe figuring out a fix for a speaker-blowing Premiere bug, new speculation on the forthcoming Mac Pro, an Apple Music promo and a possible Apple credit card, more "5G" malarkey, Kroger being Kroger, That Can't Be Right, a quick Engineering Report, Apple Watch saves some more lives, Steve Jobs wins a Grammy, and Spectrum actually offers cord-cutters a tempting cheap deal to hook them back on TV again. Remember to look up from the view-screens and out the portals every so often, cadets -- it's the best way to avoid space-sickness!