Space philosopher and small entrepreneur, Adriano V. Autino is president and co-founder of Space Renaissance International (SRI) 2008 - 2021. SRI, as a not-for-profit cultural association, promotes the expansion of civilization into outer space. Diplomed in Industrial Electronics, Adriano studied Computer Science at the University of Torino (Italia). He served as a software engineer at Honeywell Information Systems Italia and project manager in Sysdata CAP Gemini. He founded Andromeda s.r.l., dealing industrial automation and system engineering, real-time and hard real-time systems for aerospace, infrastructures, industry. He founded the web magazine Technologies of the Frontier. Published many articles and papers, on the subject of Astronautic Humanism and Civilization expansion into outer space, collaborating with many space activists worldwide. Adriano personally created and manages several Space Renaissance's websites. He also published many articles and papers, and several books, including: “A greater world is possible!”, “La Terra non è malata: è incinta”, both available on Amazon. Extended cv and publications.


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