25th episode of the Space Citizen News Podcast.
Breaking News : recent wave of resignations from Government and Parliament with Prime Minister and 12 Ministers resigning and five AMPs also gone from Parliament. 
Review of the agenda of the 3-day 5th digital sitting of Parliament that started yesterday, 28th February. Two interviews recorded last week, first one with AMP Cheryl Gallagher on the digital sitting, the laws being voted and the APSAC (Asgardia Parliamentary Space Art Competition) results, and second one with Mayoral Candidate Ross Cheeseright who is coming back to announce the creation of the NATION BUILDERS community and more to be launched on 1st March. Then short review with the current statistics of our Nation and what percentage of AMPs have paid the Resident Fee themselves to encourage other Asgardians. Finally, we're mentioning two recent Asgardian events that took place in February: in Kuala Lumpur meeting organised by the local Mayor and at Chairman of Parliament Öpik's house in Epsom in the UK. More events mentioned in next episode.

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