Guests: Dan Syzmborski, & Jim Callis,

As a Chicago White Sox fan, 2016 was one big, dumb whirlwind of a season. From L' Affire LaRoche, to 23-10, the collapse, Chris Sale becoming Edward Scissorhands, and now the rebuild, it sure was an eventful year.

Speaking of rebuild, Dan Szymborski shares why the deals trading Chris Sale and Adam Eaton really work out to the White Sox favor. While Jim Callis can't believe Chicago got both Yoan Moncada and Michael Kopech for Sale.

Guests: Dan Syzmborski, & Jim Callis,

As a Chicago White Sox fan, 2016 was one big, dumb whirlwind of a season. From L' Affire LaRoche, to 23-10, the collapse, Chris Sale becoming Edward Scissorhands, and now the rebuild, it sure was an eventful year.

Speaking of rebuild, Dan Szymborski shares why the deals trading Chris Sale and Adam Eaton really work out to the White Sox favor. While Jim Callis can't believe Chicago got both Yoan Moncada and Michael Kopech for Sale.