To better understand ourselves outside subconscious patterns, we've been talking about the Mayan Prophecies and how they have manifested or will manifest in our lifetime and in this video I share with you the technology, a kundalini meditation to activate and heal the sacral chakra as we continue our journey of connection of brain and heart.   

Working through a series of kundalini yoga meditation that will activate and heal each of your chakra's will help support you in this time of major change and transformation.  

This week's kundalini meditation is to heal and activate your second chakra the Sacral Chakra will help you better adapt to and understand the first Mayan Prophecy of this being the end of a cycle for humanity.   

The Meditation is called the Adi Shakti Meditation which invokes the feminine power of creation. 

 Adi shakti, adi shakti, adi shakti, namo namo I bow to the primal power  

Sarab shakti, sarab shakti, sarab shakti, namo namo I bow to the all encompassing power and energy  Pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, namo namo I bow to that which God creates  

Kundalini mata shakti, mata shakti, namo namo I bow to the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power  


Bring your right hand in front of your heart, palm facing down toward the floor.  Then place your left hand over the top of your right, also with the palm facing down.  Relax your shoulders down your back and pull your chin down slightly.  Maintain this position while you repeat the mantra  3.5,7.9.11 or 31 Minutes.

Joti Radjeep Kaur Veronica Barragan

Founder- The Sovereign Woman Academy Satori Wellness LLC

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