March: A Time for Ancestral Rebirth 🌱✨
Our Ancestors understood that everything in this world is energy and there are certain times of the year where the energy being infiltrated onto Mother Earth is more powerful than most other days and so they practiced meditation and followed sacred rituals around these high energy days like the Equinoxes, Solstices, and Eclipses.
In this Sovereign Woman Movement Podcast episode we explore the transformative astrological energies of March, including the Spring Equinox, the pivotal lunar eclipse in Libra marking the beginning of eclipse season, and how this month sets the foundation for a life changing and rare astrological transit happening April 20th when Jupiter comes conjuct Uranus which will change the way experience the world in a big way.
And I don't know if you knew, but March isn't just about change; March is a portal through a deeply spiritual journey towards ancestral healing, guided and supported by big events happening in the cosmos.
In this episode we discuss how these cosmic markers are not just dates on a calendar but allies in shedding our past traumas and embracing a renewed self. πŸŒ•πŸ”„
Inspired by Tesla's insights on energy and Kundalini Yoga Meditation Therapy, we learn all about rebirthingβ€”a holistic therapy that rewires our nervous system and clears the subconscious mind of old patterns.
We also learn why it's important to integrate these rebirthing kundalini yoga healing modalities during a month where we welcome the Spring Equinox and Eclipse Season. πŸŒ€πŸ’‘
We're at a crucial crossroads, with a huge potential to heal generational chains that have been passed down in our lineages.

Join us as we unlock the secrets to using March's unique energies for profound personal and ancestral healing.
Let's navigate these changes together and reclaim our sovereignty.
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Sat Nam πŸ™
Veronica Barragan, Joti Radjeep Kaur
The Sovereign Woman Academy
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok @veronicabarraganiam


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