In the depths of our subconscious mind lie the keys to disrupting patterns of pain and trauma that have been passed down through generations. In a world where our actions and beliefs are often guided by what we've inherited rather than chosen, understanding and healing the subconscious becomes essential for true freedom and sovereignty. In this episode of the Sovereign Woman Podcast, we go on a deep exploration of the subconscious mind, revealing how it shapes our lives far beyond our conscious awareness. We explore the concept of generational trauma—how fears, beliefs, and patterns are not merely personal but inherited, and how they can be identified and disrupted at the level of the Subconscious. We also look at 7 specific generational karmic subconscious patterns fueling our every day lives and how kundalini yoga rebirthing techniques can assist us rewire and unload the subconscious mind from these patterns that don't serve us. Covered in this session:-An introduction to the subconscious mind and its impact on our daily lives.Insights into the nature of generational patterns and how they influence us.-A step-by-step guide to preparing for kundalini yoga breathwork, ensuring a safe and effective practice.-Strategies for integrating the experiences and insights gained into daily life, supporting lasting change.We also discuss common challenges encountered on this journey, from underestimating the power of the subconscious to dealing with emotional resistance and the importance of consistent practice for deep, transformative healing.Join us for a journey into the subconscious, where we'll not only uncover inherited traumas but also begin the work of healing them, paving the way for a future where we are no longer bound by the past. This is an invitation to transform not just your own life but to contribute to the healing of generations past and future.Thank you for subscribing, liking, and sharing. I post weekly videos on reclaiming your sovereignty by disrupting generational karmic patterns holistically. Sat Nam Follow Me on Instagram, Tiktok: @veronicabarraganIam Join our Complimentary Private Facebook Group: access to my Roadmap to Disrupt Generational Karmic Patterns of Toxic Relationships here:


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