Due to the pandemic, home building supplies may be harder to get.

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I hope you’re all doing well during this pandemic, and our thoughts and prayers are with every one of you.

Some buyers are concerned about how the health crisis may affect the construction of their new home. One thing that may slow the home-building process is that the builder’s supply lines may have been disrupted during this time. There is a high chance that building supplies will run short.

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), nearly 33% of building materials’ inputs come from China, as well as finished products such as bathtubs, sinks, appliances, and more. This could delay home construction at a time when it had finally picked up. For the last several years, home building has struggled to keep pace with demand because of the cost of construction, lack of available land, and a construction labor shortage. That said, according to the NAHB, home building confidence has skyrocketed in recent months, so builders are more inclined to start construction on houses.

Builder’s supply lines may have been
disrupted during this time.

However, when supply lines are obstructed, it dampens the pace of home building and contributes to home inventory shortages. According to Robert Dietz, an economist at NAHB, the coronavirus does intensify some of the long-term challenges surrounding the supply of building materials. The great news is that low interest rates help support demand, and that will be one of the greatest reinforcements to buyer and builder confidence. At these low interest rates, buyers can afford a nicer, newer, or larger house than they could even a year ago.

All of us at the Tammy Holmes Team are here to answer any questions you may have, as well as help you navigate these uncertain times. Call us at (800) 722-2585 or email us; we would love to help you.