We brought Indigenous scholar Mylan Tootoosis on the show to give us a crash course on colonialism, Fanonian Marxism and psychoanalysis, and decolonization (both internal and external). More than a lecture, this is a conversation where we not only define terms and ideas but stretch these ideas into different contexts, even martial arts. Some fight for a post-racial society, or a post-capitalist society, or a society without authority, and all these things overlap with but are not the same as the struggle for a post-colonial and post-imperial society. This episode is unique even among leftwing podcast, and probably one of the most important episodes you will hear. It will challenge you and make you uncomfortable, which is essential for healing. 

You can listen to part 2 now on Patreon or you can process this episode and wait for part 2 to be released in the coming weeks. Consider listening to this episode more than once, setting up discussions around it, and sharing it with others to open dialog. 

We can't continue to produce important episodes like this one without your solidarity. There is no Southpaw without your financial support. In return, not only do you help produce the show but you also get access to more great content. It's mutual aid. Find our Patreon and swag at: https://www.southpawpod.com 

Find Radicle Narrative at: https://radiclenarrative.com 

Find Mylan at: https://www.mylanmurdo.com 

Find Idle No More at: https://idlenomore.ca 

Books to Read 

The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon: https://amzn.to/2GL0sBA and free audio version: https://youtu.be/vDjRF17Ea3c 
Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon: https://amzn.to/36jZsgM 
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann: https://amzn.to/2GTDUP8 

You can find Southpaw on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @SouthpawPod 

You can also find Sam on Twitter and Instagram: @StuffFromSam