If you think we can't rely on the moral sense of our oppressors not to oppress us, you might already be a Marxist. Marxism is ultimately about systems rather than only about the individuals. When something bad happens, rather than only thinking "what's wrong with this individual" but also asking "what's wrong with this system? What's enabling these individuals? How do we change the system to prevent more of this from happening," you're working your way through the same questions Marxism asks. Then learning more about Marxism can help refine some of your thinking and fill in some gaps.

Dr. Paul Raekstad received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Cambridge. Currently he's a lecturer in political theory at the University of Edinburgh. He focuses his work on human development, freedom and democracy, the future of economic institutions, and prefigurative politics. He has a book out called “Prefigurative Politics: Building Tomorrow Today.” He's also one of the creators of the Red Plateaus YouTube channel.

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Find Red Plateaus on YouTube and Twitter: @RPlateaus, and Prefigurative Politics: Building Tomorrow Today: https://amzn.to/2HXO2DG

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