Dedication: Police Officer Shannon Brown, Fenton Police Department, Louisiana End of Watch: Saturday, August 13, 2016

Conservative talk that is informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey!

Guest: Matt Fitzgibbons is a multi-award-winning songwriter, philosopher and historian. Since 2004, he’s been writing nonpartisan music to celebrate America’s Founding Principles and the men and women who defend them. He believes that the simple, but timeless ideas espoused in our founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) coupled with a knowledge of history, are the key to reclaiming our Republic’s place as the beacon of individual liberty. Through award-winning music, videos, writings, interviews, radio shows, and live performances, Matt’s goal is to inspire people to want to think and learn about freedom, and to discover the tools we already have at our disposal to secure it.

Guest: Stuart Schimler The rise of the internet has brought back campaign songs in a different form. On Youtube, Facebook, and other social media sites, it is easy to find political parodies and political humor developed by citizens. Although "party bosses" have less influence on the content, the campaign song has made a return to popular culture. Because of this new trend, it is only natural that audiences have the opportunity to hear election songs from America's past. American Pioneer Music