This show is dedicated to: Army Sgt. Lucas T. Beachnaw, Lowell, Michigan, died January 13, 2010 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom.

Michigan is under a full GOP revolt! 18 GOP challenger to incumbents! Taxpayers are fighting for a conservative platform starting w/ reform & States rights. They're from all over the state. Many GOP Counties are NOT happy with incumbants NOT representing thier constituents.

All Star Annie & "COOL" Mike are calling these men on the carpet with hard questions. Are they the for real or RINO's looking to join the Elite. This is not a show for the weak.

Nick Sundquist for State Senate is a bad boy from Lakeshore. How dare he challenge Obamacare against the wishes of GOP Party Fat Cats. Even worse Matt Wiedenhoeft has the same complaints.  He's running for the house, creating double trouble for establishment Kings & Queens. Keith Allard has a weird idea government is to BIG and w/ his light saber this Jedi Cougar wants to cut Taxes & regulation!

Matt Maddock talks about reducing the state budget by $30 billion. Doesn't he get we need our free cell phones? Matt Lundy has a screwey idea that States can say NO to Federal Government. The Traverse City Taxpayer believes Govt. is of the people & for the people. What a concept! ! Todd A. Courser is leading in the polls and in our hearts with GOD, Family & Country. The Lapeer husband wants to stop the growth of government $pending. 

Fasten your seat belts hang on baby!