This show is dedicated to: Army Sgt. Donald Ralph Walters, Died March 23, 2003 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom

Southern Sense is a bi-weekly show of conservative talk on news and events, with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis as host and Dan Butcher, Pundit Press and Kel Fritzi, Red Fox Radio as co-hosts.

Special Guest: Paul Sutliff has a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College and an Masters in Education from Nazareth College of Rochester. He is active in his local 912 group, “We Surround Rochester,” which he states awakened him to the Muslim Brotherhood’s presence at Nazareth. Paul also runs the Independent Chronicle, a small news source available on the web and in a hand out format. He considers himself an average American who is just waking up to what is happening around him. Paul wrote Stealth Jihad Phase 2, because his father once told him you are responsible for what you know. The question he asks is what will you do with what you learn from this book?

Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey!

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