Dedication: To the unseen victims of PTSD. 

KIA means “killed in action,” and might not seem to apply to the death of Timothy Fjordbak, 63, allegedly at the hand of Jerry Serrato, 48, on the fourth floor of the El Paso clinic at Fort Bliss.

But, unfortunately, it does.

Southern Sense is a show of conservative talk on news and events, with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis as host.

** Disclaimer:  Mr. Green has provided interesting input to this episode.  However, there have been some questions of his credibility and we apologize for the unfortunate circumstances.  We thank you for your understanding and hope you remain a valued listener.

Guest: Rod Eccles

Rod is the coolest, most politically incorrect black man on the planet. Rod has a way of sometimes making Rush Limbaugh look like a Liberal. Is an original political and society news, commentary and satire site with a Constitutional slant. Rod has always stood for the Constitution of the USA and expresses those views on his site, his blog and his talk show. Catch his talk show NOW ON THE CB MEDIA NETWORK here on Blog Talk Radio ( week nights from 10pm to Midnight Eastern Time USA Monday through Friday.

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