Marine Sgt. Michael C. Roy, 25, died July 8, 2009 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom while supporting combat operations in Khash, Afghanistan.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Because we oppose the programs of the socialist left and the Obama administration, we are called Racists, Bigots & Terrorists.  Rather than using logic and cool debate, we face derogatory names from our opponents.  Thus, many are seeking alternative ways to combate the destruction of our Republic and Constitution.  Some are running for elective office, others are finding innovative ways of speaking out.

Herman Cain is advocating:  To rebuild America as that shining city on a hill, not only do we need to elect heroic leaders, we need to reform Congress by amending the U.S. Constitution to permanently eliminate the source of corruption which permeates both the House and the Senate.
Abolish the IRS & Replace the Tax CodeBalance the Federal BudgetCompel our Gov't to Follow the Constitution
If the states still had this power, they could have blocked Obama-Care and the reckless deficit spending of our government. The most likely shape this new state power would take, would be the right of each state legislature to oust and replace either of its U.S. Senators if that Senator ignored the request of the state legislature to vote yea or nay on a specific piece of federal legislation. This would re-establish the balance between state and federal power.