The show is dedicated to Sgt. Amanda Sheldon of Ada, MI. Sgt Sheldon, 18th Fire Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC.  She was deployed to Kuwait during the Iraq War. She was to deploy to Afghanistan. "Amanda loved her Army career, and she was proud of serving her country," said Wendy Sheldon, an aunt. Her death was caused by PTSD while awaiting her 4th tour of duty in the WAR ON TERROR.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "COOL" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and upcoming elections.

In Michigan many Democratic females are running around yelling hands off my vagina, while other sensible women are saying hands off my firearm. Meet four gun packing Mothers from the Great Lake State of Michigan.  All of whom are making a run for the Michigan House of Representatives. Each of them, Fervently pro-life, have taken stands against Common, Core, Medicaid Expansion & NEW TAXES.All are locked & loaded.
Cindy Duran CindyDuran.comCindy Gamrat CindyGamrat.comWendy Lynn Day ElectWendyDay.comAngela Rigas
All four candidates join us in answering the questions taxpayers are demanding this primary season.  Once they enter the Capital as elected officials, our money is on the BAR ROOM BROADS as their new nick name for the fearsome foursome. Enter our chatroom or CALL with your questions.