Richard Lynch is an American country music artist, who has compiled a long list of country hits and chart toppers in the world of traditional country music. The sounds are reminiscent of the classics that started it all. He is the founder of the Love Tattoo Foundation.  richardlynchband

Lt. Col. Harry Stewart one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, co-authored with Philip Handelman,Soaring To Glory:  A Tuskegee Airman’s Firsthand Account of WWII.  They recreate the harrowing action and heart-pounding drama of Stewart’s combat missions, including the legendary mission in which Stewart downed three enemy fighters.  In addition to thrilling dogfights and never-before-told personal stories.  The book reveals the cruel injustices the Tuskegee Airmen faced during their wartime service and upon their return home.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist with more than 35 years of experience researching and studying various aspects of the Earth's processes. He earned a bachelor's degree and a master's both in the field of geology. He is the author of "Inconvenient Facts"

"The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know may meet your needs. Its 123 pages are organized into two sections and 30 easily understood chapters, written in plain English and complemented by over 100 colorful charts, graphs, tables and illustrations, covering all the common climate issues, fears and myths." --- Paul Driessen

Dedication: Trooper Lucas Bartley Dowell, Virginia State Police, Virginia, End of Watch Monday, February 4, 2019